Stephanie Brail
Zodiac Reiki
Zodiac Reiki
Stephanie Brail (2007), Zodiac Reiki
The Zodiac Reiki attunements consists of 12 separate attunements – one for each star sign.These energies connect you with and represent the pleasant archetypal qualities of the 12 different astrological signs, which can be used in healing session. In addition each sign has a symbol and a meditation that can be practised in order to get the most out of these energies.
Each zodiac sign is a standalone Reiki system and includes:
Aries Zodiac Reiki
Taurus Zodiac Reiki
Gemini Zodiac Reiki
Cancer Zodiac Reiki
Leo Zodiac Reiki
Virgo Zodiac Reiki
Libra Zodiac Reiki
Scorpio Zodiac Reiki
Sagittarius Zodiac Reiki
Capricorn Zodiac Reiki
Aquarius Zodiac Reiki
Pisces Zodiac Reiki
• The12 attunements in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and one digital certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!