Gabriela Yasmin Szafman
Elohims of the 2nd Ray - Apollo & Lumina
Elohims of the 2nd Ray - Apollo & Lumina
Gabriela Yasmin Szafman (2009), Elohims of the 2nd Ray- Apollo & Lumina
7 Rays of Elohim Series
APOLLO AND LUMINA are the Elohim of the second ray (the yellow ray) of wisdom, omniscience, understanding, illumination, and the desire to know God through the mind of the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity. Apollo and Lumina are guardians of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
This ray is very much about embracing the Divine Femini aspect to our nature, and focusing on Self-nurturing and Self-Love. It is to find this Love from within, and not necessarily through a realtionship of Love often bound by projection and expectations.
For light Workers, it is often about finding the balance between Love and Power, and taking your service to a new level.
• The attunement in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!