Stephen Lovering
Diamond of Seraph Zapharel
Diamond of Seraph Zapharel
Stephen Lovering (2005), The Diamond of Zapharel
Prerequirement: Usui reiki Master and The Light of Zapharel package
Seraphic Assistance, Spiritual Guidance and Alignment
The Diamond of Zapharel is a continuation of the original Light of Zapharel attunements which were channeled in 2004. It is also highly recommended that you receive the Light of Zapharel Attunements before you receive the Diamond of Zapharel but this is not set in stone.
Subsequent channelling sessions between Stephen and Seraph Zapharel, Stephen was given an Etheric Diamond with the instructions that this be Etherically Encoded into the Auric Field of those who choose to work with tit. Through this Etheric Encoding you will gain the ability to easily call upon the Energies of Zapharel and the Diamond in times when you need Spiritual Guidance and Energetic Assistance or if you simply with to experience his presence. The Diamond of Zapharel is also a Symbol of Purity and can assist you in bringing your life into a state of Balance.
• The attunement in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!