Franz Eckard Strohm
Atlantis Healing System
Atlantis Healing System
Franz Eckard Strohm, Atlantis Healing System
Arolo – Tifar was the old name of Atlantis Healing System, where Arolo represent the levels one and two and Tifar represent the mastership. The name Arolo-Tifar is under copyright. The name Atlantis Healing System is free of any copyright. Please share this system under the last name.
Franz Eckard Strohm rediscovered AROLO in 1993 – 1994 when he found this information in the Akash Chronicle. Franz Eckard Strohm is a well-known healer, medium and clairvoyant man who created the R.A.I. (its headquarters in Koln, Germany).
What is AROLO?
According to the old Atlant alphabet AROLO means:
A = Divine harmony
R = Divine power
O = Innocence, Purity, Chastity
L = Divine light
O = Innocence, Purity, Chastity
AROLO definition
AROLO is a fine, subtle way of diagnosis and energetic treatments that can state precisely the real cause of affection and can indicate the right kind of treatment.
- The way of learning to be again a pure, innocent child by the help of the divine power, harmony and light.
- The way of rediscovering the beauty and the truth in ourselves.
- The way of getting better that we are.
- The harmony’s way between inner and outer thought and word, God and man.
- The way man can rediscover his own spirit, his own divine essence.
- Returning to God, returning to faith.
- The way we unite with the Universe.
- Rediscovering the divine in us.
• The attunements in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!