Maria Joao Sereno (Brigitt)
Angels of Jupiter Energy
Angels of Jupiter Energy
Maria Joao Sereno (2009), Angels of Jupiter Energy
series : Planetary Angels Collection
When the prosperity, enjoyment, joy and moral values are on the horizon, look for the Angels of Jupiter. They are Zachariel, Zadkiel, Zachiel, adabiel, and Barchiel Zadykiel.
The Angels or Jupiter are concerned with the potential of physical growth, intellectual, spiritual or cultural, the Angels or Jupiter are always ready to help us. These Angels have the ability to increase and exaggerate everything they want.
They govern the accumulation of goods medias, power and status, and reinforce our optimism, bringing happy events in our direction and helping us to develop our aspirations
These Angels will help with (Gifts):
• Sucess
• Ambition
• Dignity
• Wealth
• Inspiration
• Obeisance
• Optimism
• Confidence
• Honor
• happiness
• Good Moral Values
• good luck
• The attunement in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!