Nicole Lanning
Abandonment Reiki
Abandonment Reiki
Nicole Lanning (2007), Abandonment Reiki
Prerequisite : Usui Reiki level 1
Being abandoned hurts. It can have a rippling effect throughout someone's life if not resolved. Some people need to talk it out, others accept things and move on understanding everyone is different and some people can change while others can not. But one thing to always remember is that it is not always about you. You can not control what others do, say or act.
Abandonment Reiki works for this main reason. The energy helps to free us or these issues, along with filling in the void or where the issues were being within ourselves with loving forgiveness energy.
• The attunement in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!