Anna May
2012 Pleiadian White Light Connections
2012 Pleiadian White Light Connections
Anna May (2009), 2012 Pleiadian White Light Connections
2012 Pleiadian White Light Connections energy is channeled from the Pleiadian Light Beings working with us as we prepare for raising the vibrational frequency of the earth as we move into the photon band during Winter Solstice 2012. The Pleiadians have strong links to the Lemurians and have visited us a great deal over the last 80 years. They have observed and assisted in our spiritual progress for the preparation of our planet into the Age of Aquarius.
There are 7 attunements that work over the whole body raising your vibrations. This will release old or worn out patterns or blockages as your body becomes lighter.
As you are probably aware from the many incidents taking place at the moment this raising of earthly vibrations continues.
• The attunement in a Chi-ball.
• Digital manual and certificate
• Help and support if necessary
AND you can pass this beautiful energy onto others!